Provincial Board Elections

  • SADD will be holding elections for the Provincial Executive / Board of Directors / Board of Representatives at our Annual Provincial Conference
  • Following is some important information in this regard.
  • If you required additional information, please contact the Provincial Office.
  • Thank you for considering a position with your provincial organization!

Nomination And Election Process

  • Only students from a registered SADD Chapter are eligible for positions.
  • To be nominated for any position, a nomination form must be completed and signed by at least 10 members of a registered SADD Chapter.
  • Nomination forms are to be submitted to the Provincial Office by 4:30 p.m., Friday, October 5, 2008. The nomination form may be submitted by mail or fax (it is recommended that you keep a copy).
  • Candidates for all positions will be introduced at the conference and provided a brief opportunity to address delegates. Following candidate speeches, elections for any contested position will take place by secret ballot.
  • Candidates will also be given an opportunity to post their picture and a message on our website.
  • Nominations will be accepted at the conference only for positions that are still vacant.
Download & Print Nomination Form!


  • The Board of Directors will meet at least 3 times/year. The Board of Representatives will meet at least 4 times/year. Most meetings are join meetings of the Board of Directors and the Board of Representatives.
  • Usually most meetings will be on a Sunday afternoon in Regina. The location of meetings may vary, depending on the composition of the board.
  • SADD reimburses board members for the cost of attending meetings.

Provincial Positions - Listed

Our Provincial Organization is governed by 2 Boards: Board of Directors and Board of Representatives. Provincial Executive members are members of both boards.

  • President
  • Past President
  • 2 Vice Presidents
Board of Directors 
  • The Board of Directors consists of the Executive and the following members
  • 3 - 5 Student Directors
  • 2 - 4 Community Directors
Board of Representatives 
  • The Board of Representatives consists of the Executive and the following members
  • 13 District Representatives
  • 2 - 4 Adult Advisors

Provincial Positions - Overview

Each position will help provide ideas and guidance on how SADD can best promote the message not to drink and drive to students and other community members. Board Members will also assist with the planning of various projects


  • One year term.
  • Member of both Board of Directors and Board of Representatives.
  • Must be at least 16 years of age by October 15, 2005 (and preferably 18 years of age or older).
  • Must attend approximately 5 meetings throughout the year.
  • Chairs all meetings of SADD Board of Directors and Board of Representatives.
  • Chief spokesperson for SADD to media and other organizations.
  • Main liaison between SADD Staff Members and SADD Boards.
  • Upon completion of term as President, serves a one year term as Past President.
  Vice-President (2 positions):

  • One year term.
  • Member of both Board of Directors and Board of Representatives.
  • Must be at least 16 years of age by October 15, 2005 (and preferably 18 years of age or older).
  • Must attend approximately 5 meetings throughout the year.
  • Main responsibility is to assist the President fulfill his/her duties.

Youth Directors (3 - 5 positions):

  • One year term.
  • Should be at least 18 years of age by October 15, 2007.
  • Must attend a total of 3 meetings throughout the year.
  • Assists with the financial decisions for SADD Saskatchewan.
  District Representatives (13 positions - 1 for each district):

  • One year term.
  • Must attend a total of 4 meetings throughout the year.
  • Serves as a liaison between the SADD Provincial Board and the SADD Chapters in his/her District.

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SADD Saskatchewan Inc
Tim Spelliscy, Provincial Director
1870 Lorne St
Regina, SK S4P 2L7
Ph: (306) 757-5562
Fax: (306) 757-5569